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Vacation, all I ever wanted!

August 23, 2010

I just now turned my laptop on for the first time since Friday afternoon. And let me tell you, I kind of wish I hadn’t. Nothing of much import was waiting for me – no dire emails (which I get on my phone anyway) and one look at Facebook and it’s kabootyjillion status updates really did not warrant more than a passing, close-out-of-it-quickly glance. And yes, there were some great new blog posts over at I Fry Mine In Butter, Snarky’s Machine and Red Vinyl Shoes. But it seems ye olde Internete was capable of chugging forward like a happy little freight train without me. And, consequently, I was able to actually live without it! Gasp! I am not renouncing the web or turning my laptop into scrap or anything so extreme as that. I just really enjoyed not being so tethered to it. And I want to hold onto the fact that I can live just as happy a life (if not happier) if I don’t feel the need to spend time on my computer every day. Also, the sun has actually been out for more than 4 hours here in San Francisco – after almost 2 straight months of sunless days – and I want to enjoy it! I am off to Oakland to get a tattoo finished and I’ve been really busy at the salon lately, which is fucking fantastic. I’ve been letting my blog become this thing that I feel really pressured to update a lot and that kind of defeats the purpose of why I started it – because it would be fun and pleasurable! So if you don’t see me here for a bit it’s not because I abandoned ship, I just needed to go on a little pleasure cruise of my own. I’ll be back with more pop culture musings, in no time! Until then, why not take a little water-ski trip with Belinda, Jane, Charlotte, Kathy and Gina!

3 Comments leave one →
  1. August 23, 2010 12:39 pm

    The web is starting to bore me. On a good note- I am revved u to see more live performance. You know, they way it should be- LIVE.

  2. August 23, 2010 5:00 pm

    “kabootyjillion” is my new favorite word.

    • August 23, 2010 6:46 pm

      Thank my friend Alyscia! The other day she referred to an incredibly rich person as a “kabootyjillionaire” and I could not stop laughing.

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